Consumer Research

What is it?

Using insights from analysis of over 50,000 shoppers, across 28 product categories in 13 countries, we apply and develop online and offline analysis techniques to optimize and quantify the sales impact of shelf ready packaging, eCommerce packaging and POS displays.

Our approach

We identify any underlying issues that may be hindering your brand’s shopper marketing presence and strategy. Our deep consumer and retail insights identify what it is about your brand that will optimise and maximise shopper discovery, engagement, and conversion.

How will it benefit you?

Using technologies like online shopper research including eye-tracking, in just weeks we can provide predictive scores to support effective in-store execution leading to greater confidence for return on investment.

Want to know more?

Whether it’s a visit to one of our Experiences Centre for some inspiration or a quick chat with one of our experts, we would love to hear from you.