
To be the best, we need the best

Kappa Rus is one of the fastest growing successful innovative companies in the world. To remain successful, we attract the most talented and capable graduates and experienced professionals.

The future of our company directly depends on our future employees, so the main question for us is not what results we can help you achieve, but what heights we can achieve together.

Professional opportunities for Kappa Rus employees are extensive, we use proven methods to enable our employees to develop their skills and unlock their potential. In turn, they receive generous remuneration and interesting work with career opportunities.

You can see open vacancies below.

Enterprise employee

Job Title: Forklift Driver

Subdivision/department: Production department

Place of work: Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk

Basic requirements for candidates:

  1. Possession of a certificate for the right to drive a forklift cat. WITH
  2. At least 6 months experience in a similar position


  1. Driving a forklift when loading, unloading, moving and stacking cargo,
    blanks for pallets, sleeves, for roller conveyors of machine tools.
  2. Timely provision of machines and mechanisms with the necessary blanks
    cardboard according to the number of the corresponding order, pallets.
  3. Sorting pallets, sleeves, consumables during operation and
    storing them in designated areas.
  4. Ensuring the smooth operation of machines and mechanisms
    timely release of conveyors from cardboard, sleeves, bales of waste paper
    indoor waste disposal system as well as pallets.
  5. Transfers of products in the interim warehouse and compliance with requirements
    cardboard storage.
  6. Implementation of quality control of products on the pallet (sleeves) for the absence
    damage, the presence of labels and the quality of the installation.
  7. Regulation of packaging and consumables, pallets.


  • Opportunity to work on weekends/holidays (double pay).
  • Delivery, special clothes are available
  • Food allowance
  • VHI/NS after 6 months of work
  • Swimming pool and gym for an employee and his family members
  • Friendly team

Additional Information:

For all questions, please contact the personnel department (tel. 883, tel. 5225)